Categories: CRM

What are the best practices tracking in your CRM?

Best Practices for Tracking CRM

What should you be tracking in CRM? Here’s a brief list of some high-impact metrics our top clients have masterful control over:

1. Communications with customers
Make sure your accounts aren’t being neglected. Seeing call/email activity not only proves a regular dialogue, but also aids collaborative teams by storing all timely information in one convenient place. Logging calls and emails doesn’t have to be hard. With the right tools, reps can even win BACK time in their day and get 100% of activities tracked!

2. Sales person presentations against weekly goal
You know that sales come from proposals and proposals come from presentations. So to get X number of sales you need Y number of proposals and Z number of presentations. Are you tracking how many presentations your reps are giving? In your CRM? And is there a presentation quota? Companies that can manage to that level of detail are ensuring their success by applying force where it matters most.

3. Opportunity age (and average age in stages)
Want to shorten your B2B sales cycle? We all do. Step 1 is to know how long it is. But no guessing! You can know this with certainty in CRM. You can watch the trend over time. You can pinpoint the exact stages where bottlenecks occur and then apply tactics (like automation) to reduce that time. If you aren’t watching this closely, you are unnecessarily stringing out deals.

There are many more metrics to consider and guess who can help with that. Smart Systems Technology! We want to be great for our clients, and part of that is a free CRM Executive Briefing. In 30 minutes, David Hindman, our CRM Sphere Core, can walk you through some tips to get your CRM tracking on par with leading B2B firms. All you need to do is pick a time…


Jessica Alexander

Published by
Jessica Alexander