The vision was to design and build a system that would re-imagine the support given to the criminal defense attorneys and allow the indigent and middle class to have a true defense in America.
A Public Defense Built...Privately
“The problem is clear and stark: the U.S. legal system leaves far too large a proportion of society, without adequate fairness in both process and outcomes–defendants facing jail time may receive an appointed lawyer who is juggling hundreds of cases, lacks support, and immediately urges them to plead guilty.” Today less than 5% of Federal and State Defendants go to trial. In observing the Criminal Defense process for 3 years SST saw the opportunity to transform this imbalance.
The vision was to design and build a system that would re-imagine the support given to the criminal defense attorneys and allow the indigent and middle class to have a true defense in America.
In Criminal Defense, “defendants facing jail time may receive an appointed lawyer who is juggling hundreds of cases, lacks a private investigator or other support, and immediately urges them to plead guilty.” The system is tilted toward the prosecution. States and the federal government spend hundreds of billions of dollars each year on the criminal law system. The funding for criminal defense for the poor amounts to only 2 percent of that total funding; the rest “goes to police, prosecutors, crime labs, prisons, and the like.”
Our Labor Coordinator Interfaces and patent pending data architecture supports the entire Criminal Defense Process from sale to sentencing. Our Spheres of Assembly provide for the first time a powerful division of labor and specialization and centralized scheduling support for the lawyer. Through the intermediary of our strategic partnerships with criminal defense lawyers who want more time to think conceptually about their clients while being able to handle higher case loads easily with higher quality outcomes at an affordable level for the defendant.
By increasing the capacity of the lawyer through the Smart System Platform across their firm’s entire operating system they gain the resources and ability to fight with time intensive procedures that put the prosecution to work. Suddenly, they control both the demand and supply sides of their business support system.