Salesforce Consulting

A Salesforce Partner that Understands Your Pain

for B2B businesses virtualizing complex sales processes

Salesforce won't start working for you until you have a smart plan

Find out how Smart Systems Technology can fill a needed role as an outsourced provider. Our specialized Salesforce support services have helped law firms, manufacturers, consulting companies and service platform businesses transform Salesforce from a liability into an asset.

Can we be great for each other?

At Smart Systems Technology we want to be great for our clients.
That means being upfront about our capabilities and our ideal client criteria.

We'll be a great fit for you if:

You're a great fit for us if:

The commission database has been amazing and being able to a run a report so easily has saved me so much time and frustration. It’s the absolute best. Literally just yesterday [colleague] asked me for commission information on one of the brokers so I ran the report and sent it to her. She came to my office thanking me for getting it to her so quickly and commented on how much quicker I am able to get her whatever information she asks for. She knows how long it used to take with the old system.
Christina A.
Benefits Consultant

Recently Completed Projects

Companies achieving success through Salesforce across the USA

Pricing Models for Small Businesses

Which statement best describes you?

I need occasional help administering Salesforce

Time Blocks

Purchase Time Blocks in increments of 10, 25, 50 or 100 hours at discounted hourly rates. Use them as needed. No expiration. Great for small tasks, on-call support and peace of mind.
Tell me more

I need a partner for an upcoming Salesforce project

Fixed Price Contracts

If you have a defined scope and budget for an implementation or integration - or if you prefer a more traditional model - fixed price contracts guarantee deliverables on a schedule.
What's your process?

I need someone driving Salesforce advancement

Salesforce Shares

For when availability and intimacy with your business are important to you in a consultant. You get a dedicated, certified resource without any downtime or added expenses of full-time staff.
Is this right for me?

Time Blocks

Sometimes small businesses need outside help, especially when it comes to technology like Salesforce. Maybe you don’t need a lot of support, and maybe not even most of the time, but when you need help, you tend to need it now. Imagine the next time you have:

Wouldn’t it be great to know that you’ve got a partner a call or email away with time reserved to help you? You spend a lot of money on Salesforce licenses and we understand the cost and frustration when you can’t use them to their full potential.

Time Blocks are prepaid service contracts. You commit to a set amount of time to be used at your team’s discretion. Time Blocks don’t expire. As you use time your balance is debited until it’s time to renew. Unlike hourly consultants with unpredictable availability, Time Blocks are like a golden ticket that put you in front of the support line. We reserve time in our consultant’s schedule in anticipation of your call.

Without Time Blocks, you’ll be at the mercy of an hourly consultant’s schedule. Skilled Salesforce consultants book out for weeks in advance. So you’ll either get expert help but have to wait for it or you’ll go to a less-skilled resource that delivers an unsatisfactory result.

If Time Blocks sound like the right option for you, simply schedule a Salesforce Discussion. We can advise on the best option for you.

Fixed Price

When budget and timelines are tight, a more traditional form of outside support may be the best fit. With a fixed price contract, you get the outcome you expect without any surprises.

Going the fixed price route means extra emphasis must be placed on the upfront planning by both sides. Change does happen when doing Salesforce development, but you want to be reasonably confident going in that both sides can meet their objectives.

Fixed price contracts are avilable on implementations and complex projects. For small or open-ended initiatives we recommend starting with a Time Block instead.

Does fixed price meet your needs? The first step in the process is to schedule an Initial Consultation to discuss your project and determine if we are the right partner to help.

How it works

When you work with a Salesforce-certified partner you can expect a standard, proven process will be followed. This process creates a predictable outcome for all parties.

Each admin, consultant and developer at Smart Systems Technology is certified in the implementation methods recommended by Salesforce.

Salesforce Shares

You have Salesforce and feel that you could get more from it if you could devote more time or resources, but you can’t justify the expense of a certified Salesforce consultant, developer or administrator. There is regular upkeep, but it’s not a full-time job. There just isn’t enough to do. Your options are to:

  1. Train someone in-house as a part of their job
    This option is good if you have the time and spare resource; it takes 6-9 months to take someone competent to a certified level, and even then they will need another 6 months of hands-on experience to begin to provide insight and direction. A certified individual provides benefits that money alone can’t buy.
  2. Hire freelancers on an as-needed basis
    Freelancers or hourly consultants can be a cost-effective way to get some reports built, data cleaned or fields set up. But that is typically where this road ends. By definition, renting an admin means they will not be intimate with your business. They perform the task and then leave. There’s a difference between an Administrator and a Consultant. The former can build what you ask them to. The latter can tell you what is needed to achieve your business goals because they ask, think and care about your business performance. Frankly, if all you need is occasional admin work you’d be best off with a Time Block agreement.
  3. Enter a retainer agreement with a large consulting firm
    This used to be the only way to operate. The reasons small businesses don’t use them more are two-fold: cost and response time. A commitment is required that may be more than your business needs. Generally, a small B2B business with Salesforce doesn’t need more than 5-10 hours max of support time in a week.

Salesforce Shares is an innovative new service designed for business that take Salesforce advancement seriously yet can’t justify the resources necessary to hire the best team. Imagine that instead of paying a certified expert $100k in salary (plus taxes and misc. employer costs) for 40 hours a week, you were able to pay the same person a fraction of the amount for a fraction of their time? Want to guarantee 10 hours per week? A 1/4 Salesforce share is for you. In effect, you *share* the cost of a highly-skilled resource with other businesses and still get all the access you need. And this resource is not sitting back and filling orders. They’re creating the orders. Our consultants will drive Salesforce advancement as an outsourced service. They are available at a moment’s notice for any questions and support, but when not serving immediate needs they’ll be planning, coordinating initiatives with partners, researching new ideas…all the things you’d want someone doing inhouse.

Salesforce Shares is a beta service. This model is not offered by any other consulting firms. Find out more about the details of Salesforce Shares by scheduling an Initial Consultation.

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