Categories: Online Marketing

Is your website costing you sales?

Is your website costing you sales?


When is the last time you measured your website speed? Are you aware that if it is not fast enough you are losing money every second? According to a recent study, your conversion rate can drop by up to 7% per every second of delay in loading a webpage. And if you speed up the loading of a page by only 2 seconds you can boost your conversions by 66%! The numbers speak for themselves. Loading time is a critical factor if you want to generate more sales with your website.


Mobile speed is even more important. The same study shows that if your mobile page takes more than 10 seconds to load, 3 out of 5 leads will never visit it again. We do not want that to happen to you.

Here’s the good news: Google recently announced a new service- “Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)”, which makes mobile web pages load at lightning speeds. As a Google Partner we can help solve your speed problem so that you stop losing customers. Schedule a free Online Market Analysis now with our Online Marketing Sphere Core, David Hindman, to find out if your sales are at risk.





Jessica Alexander

Published by
Jessica Alexander